James Duff CPA / Certified Public Accountant in Wilton, Connecticut

35 Powder Horn Hill Rd, Wilton, CT, 06897

James Duff CPA LLC is a public accounting firm specializing in tax return preparation and tax issue resolution. We expertly prepare tax returns for individuals, small businesses, trusts and non profit entities. We also specialize in tax controversy issues. If you have received a notice from the IRS or your state tax authority let us handle it for you. We can negotiate the best deal possible for you. Whether you need to get on a payment plan for taxes owed, make an Offer in Compromise, are being audited or simply do not currently have the money to pay your tax debts we can help.


Tax Planning Tax Return Preparation/Planning Tax, Tax Resolution, Tax Controversy, Tax Issue Resolution Tax, Tax/Partnerships/LLC/LLP
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