Ketel Thorstenson, LLP
Certified Public Accountant in Spearfish, South Dakota
rex joined the firm in 1990 as a tax partner and manages the spearfish office. his experience began with coopers & lybrand, grew with the ownership of his own cpa firm and has evolved over 20 years of involvement with ketel thorstenson. he received his bachelor of science degree in accounting from the university of south dakota; member of the american institute of public accountants, personal financial planning division and is a personal financial specialist with numerous security licenses. memberships include the south dakota cpa society, past president and current member of the west river estate and financial planning council, and other community organizations. his passion for planning provides a key component assisting clients in selecting correct options to attain their financial and business goals.
C Corporation Income Taxation
Cash Flow Planning
Charitable Planning
Closely Held Business Planning
Education Planning
Elder Planning
Employee Benefits
Employee Benefits/Executive Compensation
Family Additions
Fundamental Financial Planning Knowledge & Skills
Gift and Wealth Transfer Planning
Individual Income Taxation
Individual Tax Planning
Insurance Planning/Risk Management Planning
Integrated Personal Financial Planning
Investment Planning (withouit AUM or product sales)
IRS Practice & Procedure
Partnership Taxation
Retirement Planning
S Corporation Income Taxation
Significant Event Planning (Marriage
State & Local Tax
Tax Ethics & Standards
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