Rafter, Lewis & Associates, LLC / Certified Public Accountant in Haddon Heights, New Jersey

Our firm is dedicated to meeting the professional needs of small business enterprises and individuals. Our services go beyond the accounting firm's traditional role of financial statement and tax return preparation. We believe an accountant must be a trusted advisor, able to help our clients anticipate and respond to changes in the economy, industry, financial reporting rules, as well as the tax laws. We act as a "sounding board" to our clients, helping to evaluate major strategic, financial and tax planning decisions. John Rafter and Len Lewis created the CPA firm of Rafter, Lewis & Associates so that business and individual clients can truly get the best of both worlds. They can draw on John and Len’s vast experience, obtained from working in regional and national CPA firms for a combined 40+ years, which allows them to address complex business, tax, finance and accounting issues; but with the personal attention, care and responsiveness of a local CPA firm structure.


Financial Planning/Advisory Financial Statement Reporting & Analysis Small/Family Business Tax and Accounting Services Tax Return Preparation/Planning
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