Paul P. Wild & Associates, LLC / Certified Public Accountant in Belmar, New Jersey

Paul P. Wild & Associates provides accounting, tax return preparation, auditing, business start-ups, and financial planning, as well as small and family business tax services for a client base consisting of individuals, small businesses and their owners, non-profit organizations, and estates. There are four CPA's and one bookkeeper on staff. Additionally, we offer a wide range of services such as: tax representation before the IRS and New Jersey, estate planning, general business consulting, business evaluations, and payroll services for individuals and businesses in a variety of industries including: medical/dental, construction, retail, professional services, and real estate. Our firm uses the latest accounting technology and tax preparation programs to ensure complete and precise results The professionals at Paul P. Wild & Associates, LLC have the knowledge and resources to provide the most accurate and comprehensive services to our clients who are located primarily in Monmouth and Ocean counties but also range from Philadelphia to Trenton and North Jersey. The firm was established more than 20 years ago in Wall, New Jersey and has grown steadily as a result of professional and prompt service to clients.


Accounting Business Start-Up Small/Family Business Tax and Accounting Services Tax Return Preparation/Planning
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