Nicholas A. D'Apolito & Co. / Certified Public Accountant in Little Silver, New Jersey

The firm was established in the fall of 1980. The mission of the firm is to extend to our clients a wide range of quality services to meet their unique needs the best way possible. Our clients discover our product is a valuable solution to various business and personal situations. We encourage you to take some time and consider your goals and dreams. There is a saying, "If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there". Our firm has a special value to you in assisting you in two key areas in your life -- income and quality of life. Our fiscal management program establishes a special relationship with you -- a relationship that is focused on commitment, a willingness to make changes, and, of course, time and energy. Our firm wants to help you succeed in achieving your goals and dreams.


Accounting Business Consulting Business Start-Up Elder Care Estate Planning/Estate Taxes Financial Planning/Advisory Gift Taxes IRS and State Tax Agency Controversy Representation Management Consulting Payroll Services Quickbooks Consulting Retirement Planning Small/Family Business Tax and Accounting Services Tax Return Preparation/Planning Technology Services
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