Louis L. Dinnerstein, CPA
Certified Public Accountant in Livingston, New Jersey
Louis L. Dinnerstein, Lenny to all who know him, is a certified public accountant licensed in New Jersey and Florida. He is a member of the American Institute of CPAs, the New Jersey Society of CPAs and the Florida Institute of CPAs. Lenny holds a B.A. degree from Pace University, New York and has been practicing as a CPA for 40 years. Clients rely on Lenny to provide timely professional service in all areas of taxation and accounting. When you deal with this firm you deal with Lenny. When you call to speak to Lenny you get Lenny. You are never shuffled off to an inexperienced associate. Most of his clients have been with him for more then 10 years. Personal attention and communication is what this practice is about.
IRS and State Tax Agency Controversy Representation
Tax Return Preparation/Planning
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