Ianieri, Giampapa & Co., PC / Certified Public Accountant in Voorhees, New Jersey

Our mission is to offer our clients - affluent individuals, small- to middle-market business owners and key management - a full range of CPA services, including auditing and accounting, tax planning and assistance, and financial management consulting. Our goal is to assist our clients to achieve their personal and financial objectives by independently guiding them to the appropriate resource. In each of these areas, the services of Ianieri, Giampapa & Co., PC, are provided under the supervision of senior personnel with advanced training and in-depth experience in their areas of specialization. Our clients have come to expect a full range of services from Ianieri, Giampapa & Co., PC, and we have consistently delivered efficient, cost-effective audits and special investigations, insightful tax planning and comprehensive management consulting. At Ianieri, Giampapa & Co., PC, we take our professional responsibilities very seriously. As such, all of our energies are focused on superior training, superior planning and superior service, which culminates in achieving our ultimate goal: "building ongoing relationships based on the highest levels of integrity, service and performance."


Accounting Business Consulting Compilations/ Reviews Tax Return Preparation/Planning
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