Athey & Company, Certified Public Accountants, P.A. / Certified Public Accountant in Bridgeton, New Jersey

Our firm was founded by William T. Athey Sr. in 1955 and now has three partners ( William T. Athey Jr., Robert Bencie, and Michael D. Vittorini) and a full-time professional support staff, serving clients primarily located in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, New York and Florida. We provide a wide variety of auditing, tax, accounting and management advisory services to individuals, partnerships, limited liability companies, corporations, trusts, estates, pension plans and non-profit organizations. To better serve the needs of our clients, an affiliated company was formed to provide payroll processing. We are committed to providing close, personal attention to our clients. We take pride in giving assurance that the personal assistance they receive comes from years of advanced training, technical experience and financial acumen. Our continual investment of time and resources in professional continuing education, state-of-the-art computer technology and extensive business relationships is indicative of our commitment to excellence.


Accounting Auditing Business Start-Up Business Valuations Compilations/ Reviews Divorce/Matrimonial Services Estate Planning/Estate Taxes Financial Statement Reporting & Analysis Forensic Accounting Gift Taxes IRS and State Tax Agency Controversy Representation Payroll Services Pension & Profit Sharing Plans Quickbooks Consulting Retirement Planning Tax Return Preparation/Planning
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