A. Malek, CPA / Certified Public Accountant in Old Bridge, New Jersey

My firm has been serving individuals and businesses throughout the New Jersey and New York area for more than 30 years. The firm specializes in tax preparation, auditing, financial planning and accounting for individuals, partnerships and small businesses. I am experienced with the preparation of multi-state tax returns and familiar with estate and trust income tax preparation. My M.B.A. qualifies me to interpret current business law and tax law and enables me to routinely advise my clients on those matters. Additionally, as a licensed life and health insurance provider and a registered representative for mutual funds and annuities with Mutual of Omaha, I am able to offer a full range of insurance and pension services including establishment of 401(k) plans. My firm offers the highest level of professional expertise and personalized assistance tailored to fit my clients' needs. I am a member of AccountantsWorld, the American Institute of CPAs and the New Jersey Society of CPAs. I invite you to contact me for a free consultation at any time.


Accounting Financial Planning/Advisory Insurance Services Tax Return Preparation/Planning
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