A full service firm offering a variety of services to companies and individuals. All clients receive personalized attention from the partners. Services offered range from bookkeeping to financial statements and tax return preparation including estateSee More
...What are your financial dreams? A new home? Saving for retirement? College for the kids? Shapiro Financial Security Group, Inc. can help you achieve them. You will sleep well at night feeling confident that your financial security is in good hands. ASee More
Sole practitioner, with more than 50 years of experience with small businesses and individual/corporate tax preparation. Providing hands-on personalized service.
Sole practitioner, licensed as a CPA and CFP, able to act in a multifaceted manner. Able to advise on tax preparation, investment planning and insurance needs.
We are a small CPA firm comprised of a husband and wife team who are highly qualified, experienced certified public accountants. Since 1996, we have offered a full range of accounting, tax, and small business consulting services. Trigili CPAs & ConsuSee More
...Individual tax return preparation for state and multi-state as well as partnerships and corporations, etc. Divorce matters, estates and trusts.
As an organization committed to excellence, Topche & Company LLC aspires to be an integral part of the financial decision making process for successful closely held businesses and their owners by delivering proactive, independent and creative, financSee More
...For more than 50 years, KR&A has provided comprehensive tax consulting, financial and estate planning for individuals, families, and commercial entities throughout New Jersey and across the country. KR&A's team are certified public accountants and buSee More
...Tepp Accounting Services, Inc. (TAS), provides a variety of tax, accounting and financial planning services for small businesses and individuals. TAS has the expertise and experience to assist your company with meeting its goals and helping to navigaSee More
...Personal income tax preparation.
We are a full service accounting and tax firm assisting clients since 1981. Our success is attributed to a strong client base of businesses, individuals, estates and trusts. We offer specialized assistance and in-depth experience that can address youSee More
...A high quality small professional CPA firm specializing in medium and small sized business clients, individuals and estates, trusts for accounting, tax and business consulting. An affordable, professional and always available firm with long-term consSee More
...Accountable Business Solutions, LLC (ABS) was formed to specifically focus on the unique needs of small- and medium-size companies and their entrepreneurial owners. These companies are frequently overlooked or under serviced by the larger regional anSee More
...We are a full-service firm serving clients throughout the tri-state area. Our services include but are not limited to tax planning and preparation, estate planning, tax preparation and administration, financial statement preparation, bookkeeping and See More
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