Our firm undergo a voluntary rigorious Peer Review bi-annually by an independent CPA firm to assure that our clients receive the quality professional services.
Accountable Search is an acccounting and finance professional search firm. We provide remarkable talent to our clients and remarkable opportunities to our candidates. We are unique among our competitors in that we seek a deep understanding of the neeSee More
...Chris & Jim Patsavas have been in business for over 25 years together, servicing small businesses, individuals, trusts and estates. We pride ourselves on providing personalized service and being personally involved in the growth and success of our clSee More
...DeathByTaxes.net provides information about the benefits of tax planning, Research and Development tax credit, steps to file your personal and business income tax returns and various tax tips for individuals and businesses. For more information, visiSee More
...As the first Certified B Corp CPA firm in the Midwest, we focus on helping your business do well while doing good.
D J Lessin has the brains of an accountant and the soul of an artist. Has owned her own firm since 1984. Areas of speciality include self-employed individuals especially in service businesses and creative fields. Tax oriented services.
Steven Spector, LLC is a leading professional service firm. Over 15 years, our CPA professionals and attorneys have been providing clients with high-quality accounting, tax, financial, business and administrative services. Our clients include high neSee More
...We specialize in small businesses and individual taxation. Illinois CPA Society member since 1975.
We Create Solutions for YOU and YOUR Business!
For Chicago residents and Chicago small businesses we provide a wide range of tax and consulting services, including accounting and bookeeping. If you are in Chicago and have a small business, we can provide income tax preparation and consulting, ChiSee More
...In addition to accounting and tax services for individuals and small businesses, we have a strong concentration in performing tax and audit services for Small and Medium Size Non-Profit Organizations as well as Condominium Associations.
Certified MBE-WBE-DBE full service bilingual CPA firm. We have vast experience working with thousands of individuals and many business organizations (nonprofit, commercial and governmental). Provided Internal Audit Outsourcing and Fiscal training to See More
...We are diverse professionals providing efficient, committed and outstanding services to our clients. Our cornerstone is knowledge and understanding of the client's industries and operations. From that, we have built a dynamic professional team that aSee More
...Sole owner of a tax and accounting practice started in conjunction with four – attorneys. Offer federal and multi-state income tax planning, IRS audit representation and accounting services. Clients include high income individuals, small businessesSee More
...Financial planning, tax issues and analysis with respect to family law and domestic relations matters.
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