HedgemanCPA is a licensed CPA firm located in the Hyde Park area of Chicago and Oak Park, Illinois. We can provide services in the following areas: Business Valuation, Tax, Non Profit Auditing, and Small Business accounting.
Concentration in Auto Dealerships
Sassetti LLC is a full service firm offering a complete range of auditing, accounting, tax, payroll and advisory services. We have two locations. Main office: Convenient Chicago area and Naperville at 1776 Legacy Circle Drive Suite 118.
Hinsdale based CPA's with experience in Big 4 public accounting as well as small business operations that gives us a broad knowledge base from which to advise our clients in taxes, accounting and business operations. We tailor our services to the cliSee More
...We are a small CPA firm that does audits, financial statements and taxes for small businesses, and income taxes for individuals.
Free Consultations. Quickbooks, Peachtree, Financial Statements, Budgets, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivables, Forecasting, Invoicing, Bank Reconciliations, Cash Flow Planning, Payroll.
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