JAS Financial Services, LLC provides Fee-Only Financial Planning and Investment Management services to individuals and entities. The firm guides their clients through their ever changing financial environment. Whether consulting on specific issues, bSee More
...Professional small business firm, in existence for 32 years. Certified, licensed in Illinois. Owner holds a CPA, CFF and FCPA, licensed in financial forensics, investment licensed (series 7,63 and 65) and is very experienced in all facets of accountiSee More
...We are a small firm specializing in small businesses and individuals for all your accounting needs.
Our firm specializes in providing personal wealth management and tax planning and preparation. All of our business clients are in professional services industries, such as medicine, law and entertainment.
Tax Wizard is a local accounting firm specializing in accounting, tax, payroll & consulting services for small businesses & individuals since 1999. Because our firm is small, our clients benefit by getting personal, quality service that is beyond comSee More
...A Certified Public Accounting firm providing tax, accounting and consulting services to small and medium size businesses and individuals. We are proactive and take a personal interest in each of our clients resulting in long term client relationshipsSee More
...Wil Silverman has written articles on taxation that were published in the ICPAS News Journal. He has served on the Taxation Committee of the Illinois CPA Society. He was Corporate Tax Manager of a publicly owned corporation for 9 years.. He has more See More
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